Marketing cartoons have a way of mirroring feelings we have about certain business trends, office life and a number of other topics people in the professional world would understand. Being able to connect with the theme of a cartoon is what makes them shareable, especially when the content is tailored to an audience that has experienced the depicted scenario first-hand (or at least as close to first-hand as possible).

When you're looking at a cartoon or comic, there is always that fine moment when the joke "clicks" and you think to yourself, "I've always felt that way!" or "This is so funny, I remember when..." 

And as cartoonists, that is the feeling we're going for.

Marketing, of course, has no shortage of laugh-worthy themes. There are partner, agency and client relationships, editorial content, changing business landscapes and all kinds of events that make great fodder for a marketing cartoon idea.

Cartoons are close to my heart. If you're looking for a laugh, you can view my weekly one-cell strip called RVA Coffee Stain, which has been published in Style Weekly for 3 years.

But for now, here are a handful of my favorite marketing cartoons.

1. Landing Page Conversion by Me

You thought I was going to write a blog about cartoons and not include one of my own?

Marketing Cartoon: Convert

2. Marketing Buzzwords by Tom Fishburne

Tom has a great website full of cartoons poking fun at all things marketing/media/business related. The video below will not only show you some his work, but it will show you how Tom approaches cartoons and marketing.

4Ps4Qs: Tom Fishburne, Marketoonist from Leo Burnett Worldwide on Vimeo.

3. Dilbert

I have to admit. I don't always connect with the Dilbert strip, but this one had me rolling.

Marketing Cartoons from Dilbert

4. Unearthed Comics

This is so relateable that it feels like it was drawn by someone hiding inside my brain.

Unearthed Comics Marketing Cartoon

5. Drew Owen

I love how the joke isn't spelled out for you. You read the sign and read his thought bubble and the joke clicks in your mind. This cartoon is effective because it lets you complete the punch line. Cartoons aren't so funny when the meaning is spelled out. You want to lead the viewer to joke.

 Funny Marketing Cartoons

Marketing cartoons are a great way to connect with people who follow your marketing business or blog. They're light, fun, and shareable. Choose a cartoon that helps to add to your content and start standing out from the sea of stock images.

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